Even Pets When They Go Leaves A Mark
Dogs are loyal to their masters. I knew that because as a juvenile, I had a dog named Bimbo. He sleeps under my bed and watch me bathing on the brook below. When we had meals, he is sitting by my side scratching my knee for foods. I then will fed him with my fork. In olden times, if we do things odd to animals especially monkeys, what will follow are bursts of thunder.
But that's Bimbo, all black with no tails. He looked robust, healthy and significantly quiet. He barks at passersby but never gave a chase. When I went to college, he will always followed me to the main highway where my mother sent for a ride to University. I come home every week and there was Bimbo patiently waiting by the pathway.
He was the only dog I had, love him unconditionally. When I was old enough to find work in the city, he was following me all over the house while I was packing, as if he knew I was leaving. Years wore on and as I drifted away farther, Bimbo became too old himself.
I missed those days when I come home on wee hours at night after a long journey from the city and Bimbo were howling towards me running underneath coconut grooves under the moonlight. Poetic...but those moments of intense interaction between a pet and a master still felt warmed in my hear despite it happened many decades ago. Bimbo went blind with old age and my family broke the news that he got lost and was unable to find his way back home. Our far off neighbour found him and slaughtered him for food. I don't want to dwell on such difficult memory of a loyal pet where distance and destiny separated us up to his violent death.
Daisy was not different in the life of our friend, Pammy. Pammy who treated us like family. Daisy, a bulldog, was also one of the reasons why Maully came to our life because Pammy who found and rescued her from the park has Daisy in her life.
For 13 years or so, Daisy was Pammy's constant companion. The relationship was real and losing Daisy unexpectedly meant immeasurable pain to a human who treated Daisy like a member of the family.

And so Daisy faded away with our friend, Pammy by her side.
Our friend Pammy, posted Daisy's departure from us and all those connected to her. It was odd that I didn't saw post until Pammy sent a message at dawn today on a Sunday. We immediately went to Pammy's place to comfort her.
Daisy....although you are simply a pet, you left behind a million paw prints to our friend's life, our and many others.
You will not be forgotten Daisy...anywhere you left imprints as a unique Bulldog we knew.
Keep your journey out there somewhere, Daisy. Our friend will soon find it in her heart that it was time for you to go.